Choices for end-of-life medical treatment.

This is an uncomfAOD-Preferred-20111118-4281-e1323646610339ortable topic, but nonetheless important for you and your loved ones to consider. We are all living longer, and the wonders of medicine are ever  increasing. But at some point, we will find ourselves moving towards the end of our life.  A “living will” or advance care directive enables you to state your wishes about  end-of-life medical treatment while you have the capacity to make and express those choices.

Issues that can be handled in the advance care directive include;

• If you suffer an illness or injury which results in you losing your decision-making or communication capacity, who do you want to make decisions on your behalf about medical treatment?
• How far should treatment go if your condition was terminal, or incurable?
• Are there certain conditions or states that you would find unacceptable, should these be the likely result of life-sustaining treatment, for example a severe brain injury with no capacity to communicate or self-care?
• Do you feel strongly about particular types of interventions such as tube feeding, use of ventilators, CPR or transfusions?

In my experience, people are motivated to confront this emotional task in order to ease the future burden on their loved ones, who may have to make very difficult decisions in times of a crisis. For your loved ones, if they have a clear understanding of your wishes and the value that you place on your quality of life, then the burden of making life-ending or life-sustaining choices on your behalf will be much lighter to bear.

For advice about advance care directives or other components of Estate Planning contact Andrew on 9908 9888 or