Now while loan rate are low is a great time to pay off as much as you can on your loan. Skipping coffees and bringing lunch from home may save you hundreds of dollars per year, but getting a better deal on your loan could save you thousands. Give me a call to discuss and I’ll be able to instantly give you an indication of whether it is worth the effort to switch or negotiate with your bank.
Here is just a sample of the fixed rates currently available.
How does your existing loan compare to these?
- 1 year 3.89%
- 2 years 4.39%
- 3 years 4.49%
- 4 years 4.69%
- 5 years 4.84%
- 3 year for commercial and business loans 4.99%
Contact me directly to discuss up-to-date variable rates or for more information on the fixed rates listed above.
Warning: There has been no comparison rate applied to the example or examples given. Different amounts and terms will result in different Comparison Rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees, and costs savings such as fee waivers, are not included but may influence the cost of the loan. Rates are subject to change.
Patricia Williams is a credit representative (400458) of BLSSA Pty Ltd ACN 117 651 760 (Australian Credit Licence 391237).