House Prices Continue To Improve
Written by Tricia Williams, Manager - Edney Ryan Mortgage & FinanceHouse prices continued to improve in the last months of 2012, according to the latest figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Preliminary estimates show the price index for established houses in the eight capital cities rose 1.6% in the December quarter 2012. This was the strongest quarterly growth in almost three years. In the final quarter of 2012,... Read more
Edney Ryan Wealth Management launches share brokerage
Written by David Heyworth, Director - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementIn response to our clients’ needs, Edney Ryan Wealth Management is pleased to announce that we are now able to off share brokerage facilities. We can now buy and sell shares on behalf of our clients. We provide this service at substantially reduced brokerage rates, to save you money. Our Research and Advice We have access to independent research from... Read more
Starting a Share Portfolio
Written by Brendon Vade, Financial Planner - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementThe most common thing we get asked about by people in their 20′s is the share market. With so many students doing business subjects all through high school and university, it is amazing that so few are taught the basics of how to start their own share portfolio. Unless you have an experienced friend, relative or a trusted family adviser... Read more
Our Future: Made in China? Insights from the Experts
Written by David Heyworth, Director - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementWe often hear that our ‘Australian’ future may well be made in China. As part of our commitment to remain up-to-date with our advice to clients we recently sought a briefing from experts on one of the burning topics of global investments; China and its impact on the Australian Economy. Here we provide a short overview of the experts’ insights.... Read more
Is Cash Investment Safer?
Written by David Heyworth, Director - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementWith stock market volatility, investors inevitably ask…“Should I have invested in cash instead?” While we can never predict the future, we can look back at the returns of various types of investments over the last decade to answer this question. In this scenario we compare the performance of 4 asset classes if $10,000 was invested in June 2000 and the... Read more