Edney Ryan Mortgage & Finance

Low Fixed Rate Mortgages – Not Always What They Seem

Written by Tricia Williams, Manager - Edney Ryan Mortgage and Finance

The record low interest rates we currently have in Australia has put borrowers squarely in the box seat when it comes to choosing a home loan. There are some highly competitive loans available as lenders eagerly battle for new business. However, it is important buyers are aware of the hidden dangers that may come with some of the cheaper home... Read more

Australians are set to lose a record amount to scams in 2019, with projections from losses reported to Scamwatch and other government agencies expected to exceed $532 million by the end of the year. It is important to be vigilant both in our personal lives, and in business. For Businesses – We have adopted the following measures and processes within... Read more

How Your Credit Cards Affect Your Borrowing Power

Written by Tricia Williams, Manager - Edney Ryan Mortgage and Finance

In the last edition of our newsletter, we looked at how living expenses can affect a client’s borrowing power. This time around we’re looking at credit cards and, more importantly, the impact they have on your capacity to borrow. Why Credit Cards Affect Borrowing Power Owning a credit card can have a real effect on a person’s borrowing power. And... Read more

Potential reforms are currently being discussed, which, if enacted, could make the mortgage broker channel unsustainable – potentially forcing customers back to the big banks and cutting their access to smaller lenders and credit. Support your broker now. Visit www.brokerbehindyou.com.au

An Ethical Business Perspective on the Royal Commission Findings

Written by Stephen Ryan, Managing Director - Edney Ryan Chartered Accountants

The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry has now concluded with the final report tabled earlier this week. I would like to share our perspective from the Edney Ryan Group, particularly on the most recent recommendations regarding the mortgage broking industry and reiterate our stance on ethical business conduct. We introduced Edney Ryan Mortgage... Read more

Preparing for a Loan: How Living Expenses Affect Borrowing Power

Written by Tricia Williams, Manager - Edney Ryan Mortgage and Finance

If you’re looking for a home loan, one of the first things your lender will ask about is your living expenses. That’s because, under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act, lenders must allow for living costs when deciding how much an applicant can afford to borrow. While some lenders will simply require a rough estimate of your weekly or monthly... Read more

Parents Helping Children Into the Property Market

Written by Tricia Williams, Manager - Edney Ryan Mortgage and Finance

As house prices rise across Australia, more and more clients seek advice on ways they can help their children enter the property market. In fact, reports suggest up to 80 percent of parents are prepared to provide some sort of financial support. But What is the Best Way to Help? There are several ways parents can give their children a... Read more

Sydney & Melbourne Property Prices: Are We Headed for a Crash?

Written by Kate O'Brien, Director - Edney Ryan Wealth Management

By Kate O’Brien, Director – Edney Ryan Wealth Management Australian dwelling values slipped 0.1 per cent lower in May, according to the latest CoreLogic housing market update. The fall marked the eighth consecutive month-on-month fall and took the annual change (-0.4%) into decline for the first time since October 2012. CoreLogic Head of Research, Tim Lawless, said the biggest declines... Read more

Protecting Your Business from Cybercrime

Written by Andrew O'Donnell, Director - Edney Ryan Legal

Cybercrime impacts the lives of many Australians and is expected to increase as our reliance on technology grows. Common types of cybercrime include hacking, online scams, fraud, identity theft and attacks on computer systems. In recent months we have been made aware of several instances where clients have been targeted by cybercriminals. Here we share these examples as a warning... Read more

Downsize Your Home and Contribute to Super

Written by Kate O'Brien, Director - Edney Ryan Wealth Management

For many Australian retirees selling the family home can be an effective way to release equity to fund retirement. Following legislation passed in December, homeowners aged 65 years or over are able to downsize their family home and invest the surplus into the tax effective environment of superannuation. Key Points The sale of the property must be from 1 July... Read more