There is no doubt, there are reasons to have some concern about the global economic outlook. Talk of looming financial disaster does appear to have gained momentum recently. These heightened fears are based upon the following observations: Global debt is at record levels relative to GDP, which leaves little room for additional fiscal measures if they are required down the... Read more
By Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy & Chief Economist from Oliver’s Insights, AMP Capital, 7th November 2019 Key points: There is no denying concerns about global debt, seemingly never ending QE, more debt trading on negative interest rates, inequality and geopolitical threats. However, some of these concerns are exaggerated andthere are five reasons why I am not so fussed... Read more
By Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy & Chief Economist from Oliver’s Insights, AMP Capital, 17th September 2019 Key points Oil prices have risen over the last few days reflecting drone attacks that impact 6% of world oil supply. The choke point for global growth from higher oil prices is normally a doubling in prices. We are a long way... Read more
Australians are set to lose a record amount to scams in 2019, with projections from losses reported to Scamwatch and other government agencies expected to exceed $532 million by the end of the year. It is important to be vigilant both in our personal lives, and in business. For Businesses – We have adopted the following measures and processes within... Read more
What’s New With Super – An Update on Recent Changes
Written by Kate O'Brien, Managing Director - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementThe new financial year has heralded some big changes to superannuation legislation. New laws include several measures designed to better protect your retirement savings, so they aren’t eroded by fees and insurance premiums. They also include some significant opportunities for those in early retirement. To help you better understand what this means for your retirement savings, we’ve outlined some of... Read more
By Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy & Chief Economist from Oliver’s Insights, AMP Capital, 27 March 2018 Key points Australian growth is likely to be weak over the next year or so and this will prompt further monetary easing and fiscal stimulus. However, several positives suggest recession is unlikely: the current account deficit has collapsed; the $A helps stabilise... Read more
Edney Ryan Wealth Management has been named Hillross Advisory Firm of the Year for 2018. This national award recognises the firm which has demonstrated the highest standards of professionalism, operational excellence, superior client service, advice delivery and implementation. Independent client research through the Beddoes Institute was instrumental in deciding the award winner, as was a demonstrated commitment to excellence in personal... Read more
By Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy & Chief Economist from Oliver’s Insights, AMP Capital, 04 June 2019 In Shane Oliver’s latest article he looks at the RBA cut to rates to a new record low – Why? Will it work? How low will rates go? What does it mean for investors? Key points: The RBA’s latest rate cut is aimed... Read more
The Rules to Investing During Times of Uncertainty
Written by Kate O'Brien, Managing Director - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementIn a recent edition of Oliver’s Insights, Dr Shane Oliver outlined his top tips for investing during times of uncertainty. Given the rough and tumble of today’s economic climate, we thought it was worth taking a look at these tips to see how they affect our own Wealth Management clients. 1. Use the Power of Compound Interest Consider this: One... Read more
The 2019 Federal Budget and the Government’s Great Irony
Written by Stephen Ryan, Managing Director - Edney Ryan Chartered AccountantsThere’s never been a budget delivered as close to a Federal Election as that presented last night by Treasurer Frydenberg. Credit where its due – the nation is forecast to return a budget surplus for the first time in more than twelve years. The government’s sound economic management has the nation back in the black (with recent help from the strengthening... Read more