SMSF’s versus Super Wraps
Written by Kate O'Brien, Financial Adviser - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementThe self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) sector has experienced extraordinary growth over the last 15 years now accounting for almost $600 billion of superannuation, overtaking the retail superannuation sector now worth about $550 billion. Most individuals cite the desire for investment control and reduction of fees as their driver for establishing an SMSF. There is no question that a SMSF offers... Read more
SMSF Trustee Obligation: Meeting SuperStream Standards
Written by Matthew Stewart, Director - Edney Ryan Chartered AccountantIf you have an SMSF, and you are an employee, you have an obligation to meet the SuperStream requirements for standards of contributions to your fund. As such you are required to provide your employer with the following information: Your SMSF’s Australian Business Number (ABN) Your SMSF’s bank BSB and account number for receipt of contribution payments An electronic service... Read more
Pre-Retirement Plan: 5 Years to Go and Counting
Written by Brendon Vade, Financial Planner - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementThe final step to retirement is one of the most anticipated life events. For many people though, there is some apprehension, particularly when it comes to money. To ease your concerns about post-retirement finances we urge you to talk to your financial planner at least 5 years before you expect to retire. With their help you can assess your current... Read more
New Penalties for SMSF Contraventions
Written by Brendon Vade, Financial Planner - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementAs of 1 July the ATO has new powers to deal with SMSF contraventions and trustees not fulfilling their obligations. A new set of fines ranging from $850 to $10,200, outlined in Table 1 below will be applied depending on the type of contravention and the type of trustee. For individual trustees the fines may be imposed on each individual.... Read more
Borrowing to Buy Property in SMSF’s
Written by Brendon Vade, Financial Planner - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementIt is becoming increasingly popular to borrow to invest in real estate through a self-managed super fund. There are many clients for whom this strategy is beneficial, as long as the financial plan addresses the limitations of this approach. Understand the restrictions: You’ll need to be very well read or well advised to ensure that you follow the strict rules... Read more
NEW Pocket Tax Guide Our handy booklet containing the most commonly used tax rates and superannuation information is now available. Submit your postal address and we’ll post one out to you.
Minimum Pension Withdrawals from Super Accounts Return to Normal
Written by David Heyworth, Director - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementIf you have a superannuation pension there are minimum withdrawals that you must make from your account each year, in order to maintain the tax-exempt status on your earnings in the superannuation account. For the last 5 financial years, the Federal Government reduced the minimum pension withdrawals, due to the volatility of the investment markets. The reduction in minimum annual... Read more
Dividends in a SMSF: Reaping the Rewards of Franking Credits
Written by David Heyworth, Director - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementHow do tax credits work? Tax credits are received by the shareholder with franked dividends. This is a credit for tax that has already been paid by the company at the rate of 30%, before the company’s profit was distributed as dividend. The shareholders income from dividends will only be taxed at the difference between their marginal tax rate and... Read more
Brendon Vade, Financial Planner at Edney Ryan Wealth Management has recently obtained accreditation from the Self-Managed Super Funds Professionals’ Association of Australia Limited (SPAA). SPAA is recognised as the leading association within the SMSF industry in Australia. Brendon’s accreditation demonstrates his committment to providing industry-leading advice to clients with SMSF’s. If you have SMSF-related enquiries, contact Brendon to discuss.
New Requirement for SMSF Trustees to Consider Insurance
Written by David Heyworth, Director - Edney Ryan Wealth ManagementAs part of the Stronger Super measures, the Government recently introduced new obligations for SMSF Trustees. In addition to requiring a regular review of the fund’s investment strategy, trustees need also consider insurance cover for the fund’s members. Insurances may include life, TPD (total and permanent disablement), trauma and income protection. There is no obligation to take out a particular... Read more